Monday, February 09, 2009

7 numbers

1. I left the house on my bicycle at 8.45 am. I arrived to the library to study the front matter of dictionaries by 9:20. I medium coffee for 1.90. Highway robbery.

2. I am listening to the Beatles on Pandora via the Coldplay station. (8)

3. I just wrote an essay on flossing. it has 756 words in it, including the endnotes.

4. i am going to chicago for the first time in my life for 4 days!

5. When i got out of class at 7pm. I was going to rush to the bus stop 5 blocks away to catch the 7:10 home. But when i exited the building, the air felt dark, free, and warm. (50 degrees F!). Such breath overcame me. I decided to bike home. In the dark. I hadn't bike all the way home is such complete darkness before. Even though I had bought bike lights. I was still afraid of these back roads and the crazy indiana Ford F250s drivers. But I sucked in the air (is this spring?) and said a quick prayer and rode all the way.

6. It is good to face fears. I have faced fears on bicycles 3 or 4 times. Bicycling makes me feel a bit more alive.

7. 3 hours. I have been home for 3 hours and I have not: graded anything, written any new poetry, or applied to anything for the summer. What is my life all about?

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