Sunday, February 07, 2010

I like when

the snow prevents me from life-as-normal. (kind of).

Slip-sliding down the driveway, I can't take me feet/legs/breath/balance for granted.

reminds me Im small and human and I am not in control. The snow, the gravity, the temperature affect me. Have effects on me. Have affection for me?

Once I went to the doctor and she said, take allergy medicine until the first frost. I like this advice. It made me pay attention to the world around me. It made me feel connected to the world around me.

I'm not sure I would be writing this post if I were in the North East where 2 feet of snow (plus) buried them and their electricity. But i'd like to think, if I were there, I would be thinking about my finite humanity.

I went for a run in the snow. I felt the outer cold. The inner heat. My breath in cold puffs, my sweat under my 3 sweatshirts.

Today the sky is blue. The sun is shining. The snow doesn't melt. The sun is not all pervasive. There are slops of hills, patches of sidewalk near mailboxes, or tree trunks, that never seem to get the sun. Here is where strange patches of snow never melt in triangles and other odd shapes. The sun did not reach. The snow did not melt. It is visible.

and sometimes gets in my shoes.

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