Thursday, January 28, 2010

American tourist in America thinks about consistency. God's consistency. Her own inconsistency.

1. Her heart as metaphor for feelings is inconsistent.
2. Her attention to news media is inconsistent.

3. News media is inconsistent. She don't remember so much negative coverage of W. Bush as Obama. Maybe she didn't want TV when W. was president. Maybe she didn't notice the negative coverage of the then president because she agreed and thought it was simply common sense.

4. What are the things I do consistently?, she wonders.
-go to class or to work.

5. Dreams are not consistently. But they consistently surprise. Is that a sort of constancy.

6. She dreamt of waking up and going to the kitchen because D. was there. In her dream she is tired, she keeps getting in D.'s way. Orange juice spilled. Dishes dropped. I just want some water she says, but in fact, the reason she came to the kitchen was to see D. She had been worried. The cat has 5 bags of treats by his bowl. A sound sounds outside, and when A. looks out the window, she sees 5 cars, chewed up and broken, skidding toward the house. J. is in the garage and A worries for his safety. I knew something bad was going to happen, A starts to say, under her breath, but then thinks better of it. No one is hurt, simply the cars are folded up and inside out.

1 comment:

Kacie said...

Yeah, I think there was negative coverage of Bush at a certain point, but then it became pointless. I think it's a pattern - everyone loves the new guy for a little less than a year, and then it becomes cool to hate on him. By the end the supporters still support him, quietly. And the haters are the ones in the news.

It's annoying. I love Obama.