Friday, January 08, 2010

The Last Day of 26

At the beginning of each year I spend a few days the age i was for the most part of the previous year. Tomorrow I will be older than I have ever been before. I can say that truthfully of any day, but tomorrow feels different. I am going to be officially 27 years old. 3 years shy of 30. ten year high school reunion around the corner. (I do not intend to attend any reunion, but just knowing that it could be planned is weird.)

I should make a list of 26 things that are true today.

1. my toes are cold.
2. my hair is curly. I washed it today.
3. I never thought I would live in the midwest, but I do.
4. there is snow outside.
5. leather is probably better than synthetic leather for me. and maybe the cow.
6. if i drink too much coffee i get a stomach ache.
7. i like to dance but i am not good at it.
8. i want to live a life out-of-the-ordinary.
9. i want a plant to live on my desk this year, to love and to water.
10. i prefer windows that get a lot of light, curtains that are open or see-through.
11. Elvis was born today, 1935.
12. I have always been under the impression that Gypsy Rose Lee (burlesque entertainer) shared a birthday with me, however wikipedia says Jan 8 like elvis, and IMDB says feb. 9. I no longer know what to believe.
13. some one is making me lunch today.
14. I am stuck on 14 and reading about Gypsy Rose Lee's life.
15. Sometimes I wonder what adventure means, and if it always must include climbing fences.
16. I wore three pairs of socks yesterday and plan the same for today.
17. I have been away from Indiana for almost a month and I miss it.
18. I also miss by bed.
19. At nineteen I was in college, undergrad.
20. Chicago has cute apartments.
21. I haven't written poetry in a looong time.
22. One of my 2010 goals is to go to Louisville KY
23. I like tea. Black tea, green tea, Rooibos.
24. I don't like dogs or cats in general. I like certain few dogs I have met and a certain few cats.
25. I hope good things for many people.
26. 27 isn't old!

1 comment:

Jen Lo said...

amen! 27 is NOT old!