This history of my love of flannel dates back to before I can remember, some how i got my hands on a blue and green flannel sheet with lavender satin trim on one end and proceeded to carry it with me everywhere. Then I just kept it at home. Then just in my bed when i was sleeping.
The sheet got older, and started falling a part. These are few memories I have of it:
-making little figures out the pieces that tore of the side.
-pretending I had a broken arm and using my blanket as a sling.
-The simple pleasure of returning to my blanket when I had been gone for a while.
In about 5th grade my mom took it away from in order to make me a quilt that didn't look like an antique that had been through the rinse cycle a few too many times. The duvet cover she made me was lovely, though my lovely flannel squares were intersected with cotton fabric that wasn't as soft. This held for the next few years. Displayed on my bed. then the flannel squares started to become stringy, pull apart, holey. Until at last the duvet cover was no longer functioning. For about my 15 birthday she got me a store bought duvet cover. Flannel. It took me a while to learn to love this new flannel, but I wore it in, and I loved it. Though for many years, I did still sleep with my old, holey, handmade duvet cover under my new presentable one.
In Of Mice and Men the main character loves soft things. Oh how this story made me cry for weeks in 11th grade, and when we had to read Grapes of Wrath next, I didn't want to trust Steinbeck with my heart. I too love soft things.
I am reflecting on this history of flannel, because I woke to find a hole in the duvet cover after a particularly anxiety ridden sleep. Over the next few nights it worked its way all the way across the width of the top of the duvet. I now realized I have owned it for more than ten years.
So this weekend, I went to three different stores that sell duvet covers to find a measly selection of cotton, not flannel duvet covers. One of the sales ladies said, "Why I've never seen a flannel duvet." I then turned my attention online, where I found a solid "java" brown color one for the least amount of money and free shipping.
Oh flannel. I will always seek you out. Surprisingly enough, I also just bought my first flannel shirt at the Goodwill. I do enjoy wearing it, though, I'm afraid I might look like hipster. Its okay. I don't mind. Anything for flannel.
ohh i hope you love your new flannel duvet. if not, i will find you a new one. love mama
me too!!
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