Thursday, January 20, 2011

5 possible blog posts

1. On the weather... I once read a quote that said something like, "thank god for the weather or most people would have nothing to talk about" After reading that quote about 4 years ago, i became self conscience of talking about the weather. However, I've recently decided weather is a natural phenomena that needs to be notices and brings people together. Everyone experiences it.

2. About new words I've learned such as avuncular:
1 of or relating to an uncle.
• kind and friendly toward a younger or less experienced person : an avuncular manner.

3. About how starbucks puts two giant tea bags in a venti and charges you more.

4. On doing now what you what you want do later. Habits start today. About deja vu. About Holding lightly and moving toward the same thing.

5. Poetry on CD. It's great!

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