Friday, December 02, 2011

C is for Chai, Clinton, Craigslist and Cat

1. I made chai today with Nepali spices. It reminded me of two summers ago when Lana, and Kevin and I, had the best Chai tea at the children's home not too far from Samrat's mom's house. So good. All that milk, sugar, spices, and tea.

2. In this picture Clinton, doesn't look like Clinton. Perhaps its the low bun. I wonder what its like for these two women in leadership to meet. (In leadership defined liberally as their ascents into power and the power the yield are very different).

3. If gift certificates to craigslist existed, I think I would like one. I feel it is a form of recycling and a thriving under-economy. No matter how many times I buy something off craigslist, I feel the initial interaction is rather awkward. Is it still available? Where are you? When can I come and look at it? Between those questions, there are people with lives leaving the country, selling their things, looking newly at their living rooms.

4. Cat. Jackson. He is orange. He is cool. A cool cat. He is orange. He is scared. A scare-dy cat. He doesn't like the unpredictable behavior of 4 year olds, but he does like to sit in the window above the radiator and sleep. I don't think he even chases birds with his eyes now that the radiators are on. He just sleeps.

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